
Blood supply of Urinary system

Suprarenal Gland:

Artrial supply:1)superior suprarenal 2)middle suprarenal 3)inferior suprarenal

Venous drainage:suprarenal


Artrial supply: renal artry

Venous drainage: renal vain


Arterial Supply:

Upper part:Renal artery(may also receive branches from gonadal or colic artery)
Middle part: Abdominal aorta (may also receive branches from gonadal or illiac artery)
Lower part:Vesical,Middle rectal or Uterine(in female)

Venous Drainage :

Upper part:Renal vein (may also receive branches from gonadal or colic vein)
Middle part: Abdominal aorta (may also receive branches from gonadal or illiac vein)
Lower part:Vesical,Middle rectal or Uterine(in female)

Urinary Bladder :

Arterial Supply:1)Superior and Inferior Vesical (mainly) 2)Obturator,Inf.Gluteal 3)Uterine,Vaginal(in female)

Venous Drainage:Vesical venous plexuses drains into internal iliac veins.

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